Fit Kitchen


Health, Food & Nutrition

Hey Everyone, 

My name is Linda, the passionate founder of Fit Kitchen (a restaurant and meal-prep service company), a dedicated nutritionist, and coach. I simplify access to healthier food choices and guide individuals towards a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle, without the constraints of strict dieting. With a genuine love for making nutritious living easier for everyone, I am excited to bring a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to help people achieve their wellness goals.

Yours Sincerely, 

Linda Jabesh – Founder & Head Nutritionist – Fit Kitchen Ltd 

The health and nutrition advice shared here is informational, not a substitute for professional medical guidance. Individual needs differ; consult a healthcare professional before making significant lifestyle changes, especially with existing health conditions. Information provided is general and may not apply to everyone.
For many, the phrase “healthy food” might conjure images of bland salads and tasteless steamed vegetables. However, let’s debunk the myth right from the start – healthy food can indeed be incredibly tasty, satisfying both your palate and your well-being....
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Embarking on a journey towards healthier eating is a commendable endeavor, but let’s be honest – the path to nutritious choices isn’t always paved with the most delectable flavors. Why is it that healthy food often doesn’t tickle our taste...
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Pregnancy is a miraculous journey marked by profound physical and hormonal changes. As an expectant mother, ensuring a well-rounded and nutritious diet is crucial not only for your own well-being but also for the healthy development of your growing baby....
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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where information is constantly streaming in and demands on our cognitive abilities are ever-increasing, the question of whether healthy food can enhance brain power takes center stage. As it turns out, what...
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As we step into the third decade of our lives, the significance of adopting a mindful approach towards our dietary habits becomes increasingly evident. Beyond merely satisfying hunger, our food choices play a pivotal role in shaping our overall health...
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